Seattle Waterfront
As part of the inaugural Seattle Design Festival, AIGA Seattle invited 25 of our city’s design firms to participate in Design Marks—a trail of 8-foot tall location markers where viewers can experience how the design of Seattle’s urban landmarks has influenced the city’s culture, and how that culture has, in turn, influenced design.
Over time, city buildings, parks, or intersections can take on significance that is far greater than their simple functions. They can become landmarks that stand for wider meanings and influence those who interact with them, adding to the culture and experience that shape people’s perceptions of places within the city. With Design Marks, AIGA is using design to explore and reflect on the meaning of some of Seattle’s most noteworthy urban landmarks. The aim is to use design to give each landmark a “voice,” and in doing so, share individual experiences with the broader community.
Corbet chose the Seattle Waterfront as a culturally significant location. He explored how economics, the environment and our social influences effect the cultural make-up of the waterfront and how that impacts the greater puget sound region.